What are the achievements of temple planning and design? How long does it take? What is the process and how much is the cost?

2021-06-29 14:27

What are the achievements of temple planning and design? How long does it take? What is the process and how much is the cost?(图1)Deluan, the inheritor of Oriental architectural aesthetics

Temple planning and design is mainly used to solve the role of land acquisition, policy support and fund-raising. The actual cases of de Lu'an for more than ten years are summarized as follows: the contents, time, process and cost of the planning and design stage of temples for your reference.

1、 Form of achievements:

1. A3 color scheme book;

2. Report presentation documents;

3. Electronic drawings.

2、 Main contents:

Master plan specification

Location analysis chart

Base analysis and resource evaluation chart

Land use status map

Analysis of regional history and culture

Analysis of religious history and culture

Project planning

project orientation

Design concept

design goal

Design vision

General layout

General bird's eye view (1 for day and night)

Main architectural effect drawings (no less than 5)

Planning structure analysis chart

Functional zoning plan

Road traffic plan

Green and landscape planning

Traffic flow analysis chart

Vertical road planning

Vertical plan of site

Planning plan of supporting facilities

Electric telecommunication planning

Water supply and drainage planning

Planning plan of sanitation facilities

Fire fighting and emergency evacuation planning

Project management zoning plan

Lighting planning

Energy saving and green building technology planning

Construction drawing by stages

Landscape and memorial planning

Intention map of landscape design

General planning profile

Main building elevation (not less than 6)

Main building axonometric (not less than 6)

3、 Time schedule

1. The normal cycle of planning and design is generally 3 months, including preliminary consultation, contract signing, down payment, survey and mobilization, design scheme, scheme communication, medium-term report, medium-term payment, scheme modification, scheme communication, final report, design modification, design communication, final payment and final results submission.

2. Complete the overall planning report within 1 month after the project is started.

3. After the scheme report, the owner shall communicate with the owner for several rounds and revise it, and then complete the interim report.

4. The plan modification shall be completed within 2-4 weeks after the interim report.

5. The plan results text shall be completed within 2 weeks after the modification and confirmation of the plan.

4、 Charging standard

1. According to the complexity of topography and landform everywhere;

2. According to the planned land area;

3. According to actual workload and cost;

4. Special projects can apply for planning aid operations.

5、 Payment method

1. down payment: 40%;

2. interim payment: 40% after the interim report is passed;

3. final payment: 20% after the final results are submitted;

6、 Service management

1. Project management:

Set up project project team for the project, and have project manager and designer to control quality from both business and technical aspects.

2. Team management:

Team management takes the development of people's comprehensive quality as the starting point, so that each employee can make full progress under the supervision and promotion of the team.

3. Gain and loss management:

After each project stage achievement and final end, the team and individual have made the summary of gains and losses, summarized the mistakes, inherited the advantages and made progress.

3. Time management:

With the concept of efficiency and time management as the service for the project, all logistics and personnel arrangement are carried out around the project time schedule management.

What are the achievements of temple planning and design? How long does it take? What is the process and how much is the cost?(图2)Deluan carried out Fengshui layout optimization and master planning for a temple in Zhejiang Province

Beijing deluan architectural planning and Design Institute is a reliable professional design institute with international vision. Since its establishment in 2009, it has formed five advantageous business sectors, namely urban design, cultural tourism scenic area, religious architecture, Zen garden, decoration design and theater architectural design.

High quality design has won many honors at home and abroad

The design of Baoqing temple in Xianghe, Hebei Province won the first prize of best architectural design awarded by China National Architecture Research Association in 2017( Click to view the planning scheme of Baoqing Temple)

In the international competition for the design of national cultural center of Thailand organized by the Thai Ministry of culture from 2019 to 2020, druan won the first prize, won the cordial reception of Princess Sirindhorn, the royal family of Thailand, and completed the architectural engineering design with super theater as the main body( Click to view the planning scheme of Thailand Cultural Center)

In 2019, he was invited to work out the master plan for Wanghai temple in Dongtai, Wutai Mountain, one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China( Click to view the planning scheme of Wanghai Temple)

In 2019, he was invited by the Nepalese government to prepare a master plan for the northern part of the Holy Garden in Lumbini, the hometown of Buddha( Click to view the planning scheme of the Northern District of Lumbini Holy Garden)

Contact: 138 1010 4901 (same number of wechat)

Email: xzhang@deluangroup.org


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What are the achievements of temple planning and design? How long does it take? What is the process and how much is the cost?(图3)
