How to build a temple from 0 to 1; What are the procedures and requirements for the construction of temples?

2021-06-29 13:55

If you have any questions about planning, policy, land, design, cost, construction, supervision, management and network in the process of building the temple, you are welcome to leave a message and ask questions. We will select the hot issues that you are concerned about in each issue to answer questions.

How to build a temple from 0 to 1; What are the procedures and requirements for the construction of temples?(图1)

Temple construction belongs to the construction of religious culture, which generally needs to be put on record or approved by the superior leaders. Temple construction is generally divided into new temples, expansion temples and reconstruction temples. For expansion and reconstruction, in principle, due to the original activity site, the general procedure is relatively simple. If it is a new temple, the procedure should be a little more, which is basically similar to the housing construction, with a religious approval process.

■ The process of building temples:

How to build a temple from 0 to 1; What are the procedures and requirements for the construction of temples?(图2)

1、As the first step in the process of building a temple, the abbot, master and other persons in charge of the temple should unify their thinking and decide whether the temple should be rebuilt, expanded or newly built. We should have a good idea. This is like doing the preliminary feasibility study report of the construction project;

2、In order to ensure the continuity and integrity of the later project, it is generally recommended that the funds be in place. If the construction period of a temple is within one year, more than 70% of the funds need to be in place. If the construction period is more than one year, at least 50% of the funds need to be in place, We can start the temple design and construction, otherwise, the risk is too big;

How to build a temple from 0 to 1; What are the procedures and requirements for the construction of temples?(图3)

3、The drawings of temple construction should be clear, which can be divided into two levels. The preliminary drawings need the effect drawings of the temple, the layout plans of the temple, which are also the planning and design drawings of the temple. Some of them are also called the bird's-eye design of the temple, which have similar meanings. The design of the temple renderings is simple and complete, depending on the requirements of the abbot. Which company is the best and most professional in temple design and construction? That is, you need to have the temple drawings before you can go through the approval process;

4、When you have the temple drawings, go to the Religious Bureau and the Buddhist Association for approval of religious places. These procedures are a bit similar to the construction permit of housing construction, or the commencement report and other information. It needs to be handled by the person in charge of the temple;

How to build a temple from 0 to 1; What are the procedures and requirements for the construction of temples?(图4)

5、Go to the county and City Planning Bureau, and the Construction Bureau will take the temple drawings, the temple effect drawings, and approve the urban construction planning approval procedures, the temple construction permit, and the temple planning permit. Xiao Bian reminds you that the purpose of this step is to inform the planning bureau where a temple needs to be planned and built. You need to be prepared in advance;

6、Take the above information to the government and the Bureau of land and resources to approve the land, and solve the problem of temple land property rights. Where the temple needs to be built, how much area it needs, whether it needs to be expanded, rebuilt or newly built, the government departments need to allocate land for you.

How to build a temple from 0 to 1; What are the procedures and requirements for the construction of temples?(图5)

The process of building a temple is relatively complicated, but there is basically no big problem. Generally, it will be approved. Of course, the intermediate process needs the flexible use of the abbot of the temple. It is necessary to comprehensively consider the planning, design, construction and later operation of the temple. In the past 10 years, Beijing deluan architectural planning and Design Institute has planned more than 100 Temple projects at home and abroad, forming two advantageous business segments: temple design and cultural tourism town. In particular, temple planning and design enjoy a high reputation among Buddhist circles and mage groups. If you are in the process of building a temple, you should pay attention to planning, policy, land, design, cost, construction Supervision, management, network issues, please contact us.

Beijing deluan architectural planning and Design Institute is a reliable professional design institute with international vision. Since its establishment in 2009, it has formed five advantageous business sectors, namely urban design, cultural tourism scenic area, religious architecture, Zen garden, decoration design and theater architectural design.

High quality design has won many honors at home and abroad

The design of Baoqing temple in Xianghe, Hebei Province won the first prize of best architectural design awarded by China National Architecture Research Association in 2017( Click to view the planning scheme of Baoqing Temple)

In the international competition for the design of national cultural center of Thailand organized by the Thai Ministry of culture from 2019 to 2020, druan won the first prize, won the cordial reception of Princess Sirindhorn, the royal family of Thailand, and completed the architectural engineering design with super theater as the main body( Click to view the planning scheme of Thailand Cultural Center)

In 2019, he was invited to work out the master plan for Wanghai temple in Dongtai, Wutai Mountain, one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China( Click to view the planning scheme of Wanghai Temple)

In 2019, he was invited by the Nepalese government to prepare a master plan for the northern part of the Holy Garden in Lumbini, the hometown of Buddha( Click to view the planning scheme of the Northern District of Lumbini Holy Garden)

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How to build a temple from 0 to 1; What are the procedures and requirements for the construction of temples?(图6)
