Design consulting

2021-06-03 11:37

scope of business

consulting service

Investment promotion tourism project, tourism industry strategy research, tourism real estate project planning and design, commercial street project planning and design, film and television base planning and design, animation industry base planning and design.


Urban development strategy, regional master plan, urban and rural and key town master plan, industrial development plan, conceptual planning, control detailed planning, construction detailed planning, tourism resort and tourism real estate planning, tourism scenic spot and tourism development project planning, tourist scenic spot scenic spot planning, 5A scenic area promotion and 5A Scenic Area declaration, beautiful rural planning Tourism new rural planning, resource dependent new rural planning, resort planning, ecological park planning, low-carbon planning, ecological planning.


Hotel design, club design, restaurant design, hospital design, campus design, kindergarten design, artist studio design, theater design, residential area design, landmark architectural design, leisure business street design, exhibition center design, visitor center design, performance center design, conference center design, indoor amusement park design, conference and vacation hotel design Folk Inn design, national Inn design, performance center design, leisure shopping center design commercial complex design, Chinese classical architecture design, Western classical architecture design, Indian classical architecture design, church architecture design, Taoist architecture design, mosque architectural design, tourist center design, construction drawing design.


Scenic spots and related design landscape design, hotel landscape design, resort landscape design, residential area landscape design, campus landscape design, street landscape design, special landscape design, tourism landscape design, tourism landscape landscape design, tourism green landscape design, urban leisure regional landscape design, tourism town landscape design, main art landscape design, theme park design.

Art dress

Villa decoration, office space decoration, commercial space decoration, hotel club decoration, government public welfare building decoration, building model room decoration.


The design and construction of Chinese classical garden, Suzhou classical garden design and construction, Lingnan Garden Design and construction, royal garden design and construction of Qing Dynasty, Han Tang classical garden design and construction, spring and autumn and Warring States period garden design and construction, French classical garden design and construction, Italian terrace classical garden design and construction, natural landscape garden design and construction in Britain The design and construction of Japanese traditional classical garden, Islamic classical garden design and construction, Tibetan Classical Garden and construction, private villa garden design and construction, roof garden design and construction, community garden design and construction, interior garden design and construction.

Ancient architecture

The design and construction of ancient buildings in the pre Qin Dynasty, the design and construction of ancient buildings in Han and Tang Dynasties, the design and construction of ancient buildings in Ming and Qing Dynasties, the design and construction of European classical buildings, the design and construction of temple ancient buildings, the design and construction of Taoist temple ancient buildings, the design and construction of ancient church buildings, the design and construction of classical bridges, the design and construction of memorial archways, the design and construction of ancestral temples of family ancestry.


The design director of the headquarters of Beijing druan architectural planning and Design Institute has a comprehensive and wide knowledge, and is often invited to teach at foreign (Duran University in the United States) and well-known domestic universities. In order to realize his own potential value and help more people, he is willing to share his knowledge with more people and hope others can gain from sharing, Others' recognition that they also gain.


Multimedia production and effect drawing.

Service process

1、 Free consultation:

Beijing deluan architectural planning and Design Institute provides you with three professional free consulting:

L telephone consultation: the professional senior consultant of Beijing druan architectural planning and Design Institute provides targeted telephone communication consultation. Through this efficient and quick way, professional advice will be provided to customers in the first time.

L on site consultation: upon the invitation of the client, our hospital arranged experts to visit the project site.

L scheme consultation: through field investigation and expert seminar of Beijing druan architectural planning and Design Institute, a written preliminary proposal scheme is provided for the client.

Business hotline: 010-59706785

2、 Pre service process

After receiving the invitation, our hospital will first conduct information communication and project analysis, and the professional consultant will actively provide telephone to know the relevant information of the project; Arrange experts to visit the project site and provide on-site advice; After the investigation and return, the hospital seminar will be held to form the preliminary ideas, prepare the preliminary plan and submit the preliminary proposal plan of the project.

3、 Project process and quality control system

After the contract is signed, Beijing druan architectural planning and Design Institute will first arrange personnel, carry out project preparation, and then visit the site, and then produce a preliminary draft after internal inspection. After the internal audit is passed, it will be submitted to Party A, and modify according to Party A's feedback, generate review draft after internal review, prepare design description and other materials, and submit it to and conduct expert review.

Design consulting(图1)

In order to ensure the accuracy of the project, Beijing deluan architectural planning and Design Institute will make the project assignment after the contract is signed. During the field investigation, according to the assignment, there will be a project plan before the first draft, forming a three book plan management system.

Three books plan management system: the project task book controls the project leader, task content and work schedule《 The project investigation plan controls the investigation《 The project plan is formed after the completion of the investigation to control all the work processes.

Expert consultant control system: senior expert of Beijing deluan architectural planning and Design Institute, to control the project.

Three stage internal audit system: outline stage, first draft stage, review draft stage, three times audit by experts.

Beijing deluan architectural planning and Design Institute is a reliable professional design institute with international vision. Since its establishment in 2009, it has formed five advantageous business sectors, namely urban design, cultural tourism scenic area, religious architecture, Zen garden, decoration design and theater architectural design.

High quality design has won many honors at home and abroad

The design of Baoqing temple in Xianghe, Hebei Province won the first prize of best architectural design awarded by China National Architecture Research Association in 2017( Click to view the planning scheme of Baoqing Temple)

In the international competition for the design of national cultural center of Thailand organized by the Thai Ministry of culture from 2019 to 2020, druan won the first prize, won the cordial reception of Princess Sirindhorn, the royal family of Thailand, and completed the architectural engineering design with super theater as the main body( Click to view the planning scheme of Thailand Cultural Center)

In 2019, he was invited to work out the master plan for Wanghai temple in Dongtai, Wutai Mountain, one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China( Click to view the planning scheme of Wanghai Temple)

In 2019, he was invited by the Nepalese government to prepare a master plan for the northern part of the Holy Garden in Lumbini, the hometown of Buddha( Click to view the planning scheme of the Northern District of Lumbini Holy Garden)

Contact: 138 1010 4901 (same number of wechat)



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Design consulting(图2)
